postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Wedenfelser Schuhplattler

#109 Wedenfelser Schuhplattler

Au nahme u. Verlag Kunstantsalt Rudolf Rudolphi, Garmisch - Partenkirchen

9th July 1936

Dear Mum,
Thank you for the nice long letter that arrived air mail today. Isn’t this a lovely p.c. [postcard]? It shows you exactly how the people of Munich dress and this is what they all wear in town as well as in the country. The shorts are [???] leather, suede and velvet and the ties lacing up the side are coloured. You can see the socks I told you about on the boy on the left socks, he’s just for the [???] [???] on and has left the all the [???]. The hairbands the girls wear usually match their frocks, and you can see one of the [???] beautifully here.  The frock [???] it is a [???] type with a [???] blouse underneath. Aren’t they perfectly [???] clothes to wear every day? And they always look so fresh and gay too!
Best Love Helen.

Wedenfelser Schuhplattler


July 9th, 1936 at 5:28 pm

One Response to “Wedenfelser Schuhplattler”

  1. Jeremy Says:

    Dear Graeme, your blog is fantastic: fascinating and a beautiful tribute to your grandparents. I’m an Australian living in Munich. I, my wife, and daughters own and wear these type of clothes during the summer. I’ve worked out the missing words (in caps) in your transcription:

    The shorts are EITHER leather, suede and velvet and the ties lacing up the side are coloured. You can see the socks I told you about on the boy on the left SIDE, he’s just GOT the TOP PART on and has left OFF the SOCKLETS. The hairbands the girls wear usually match their frocks, and you can see one of the APRONS beautifully here.  The frock UNDER it is a PINAFORE type with a MUSLIN blouse underneath. Aren’t they perfectly SUPER clothes to wear every day?

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