postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Currently browsing posts found in August1936

Der Fuhrer in Obersalzberg

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#88 Der Fuhrer in Obersalzberg
662. Photo Hoffmann, Munchen, Theresienstr, 74 Nachdruck verboten
13th August 1936.
These are some boys of the Hitler Youth Movement they were black velvet shorts and brown shirts and more or less correspond to our Scouts I think. We discovered on Monday that a new postman had put Sunday’s post in a letterbox […]

331, Der Fuhrer mit der Jugend

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#85. 331, Der Fuhrer mit der Jugend
Photo Hoffmann, Munchen, Theresienstr, 74 Nachdruck verboten
10th August 1936
This is the last of the pictures I had of Hitler except a portrait one of him sitting in an aeroplane looking very pessimistic (the kind we see of him in the papers) so I’ll use up some of my views […]

Der Fuhrer am Hintersee bei Berchtesgaden

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#84. Der Fuhrer am Hintersee bei Berchtesgaden
659. Photo Hoffmann, Munchen, Theresienstr, 74 Nachdruck verboten

Ein Kinderblick

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#83. Ein Kinderblick
582. Photo Hoffmann, Munchen, Theresienstr, 74 Nachdruck verboten
5th August 1936
Isn’t this a lovely picture? They sell dozens of picture pcs of Hitler that we’ve never seen. The people really love him too, it’s not that they’re frightened to say they don’t but everyone obviously adores him. I’m sending a few pictures of him […]


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Photo Hoffmann, Munchen, Theresienstr, 74 Nachdruck verboten
10th August 1936
Isn’t he nice? [please note: this is NOT a view my grandmother still holds by any means! but is interesting to note how the propoganda worked at the time] I saw him on the pictures yesterday, we saw the whole opening of the games at Berlin with […]


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#81. Reichskanzler
Adolf Hitler
558. Photo Hoffmann, Munchen, Theresienstr, 74 Nachdruck verboten

Urlaubstage auf Heiligendamm

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#80. Urlaubstage auf Heiligendamm
667. Photo Hoffmann, Munchen, Theresienstr, 74 Nachdruck verboten
12th August 1936
[???] written this am and sent letter (3 papers) off airmail. It has been quite interesting having Rena over but she didn’t appreciate things nearly as much as I did so it will be rather a different opinion you would get from her. […]


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Orig Aufnahme Kunst una Verlagsanstalt Martin Herpich Munchen
Dear Mr Fergus,
I’m sure you’ll be amused to know that this is how the people dress in Bavaria, not onlin in the country but in town as well. This picture shows you too what fun the folk dances are, and the music is usually provided by some one […]

Kleiner Besuch

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#79. Kleiner Besuch
727. Photo Hoffmann, Munchen, Theresienstr, 74 Nachdruck verboten

#89 Koln a Rhein. Hildebrandbrunnen am Kaiser Wilhelmsring

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Hope you caught that train

#89 Koln a Rhein. Hildebrandbrunnen am Kaiser Wilhelmsring
Bromsilber-Imitation 2119/2961