postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Ein Kinderblick

#83. Ein Kinderblick

582. Photo Hoffmann, Munchen, Theresienstr, 74 Nachdruck verboten
5th August 1936
Isn’t this a lovely picture? They sell dozens of picture pcs of Hitler that we’ve never seen. The people really love him too, it’s not that they’re frightened to say they don’t but everyone obviously adores him. I’m sending a few pictures of him as I’m sure it’ll give you a different idea of the man. For myself, I’m completely in love with him! [this is NOT a view my grandmother now holds, however, it shows how effective the propoganda was at the time, a comparison she makes is “he was always photographed with children, just like that Diana woman…“] I bought another newspaper today, it looks about the best I’ve seen yet for olympic pictures and I’m posting it to you. I was cashing a cheque this am and the man in the bank gave me it to look at so I bought one for myself when I went out to send to you. I have a big 1/ magazine with pictures but I think I’ll bring it with me incase it gets spoiled. With best love from Helen.

Ein Kinderblick


August 5th, 1936 at 12:51 am

One Response to “Ein Kinderblick”

  1. Harrison Williams Says:

    I’m glad you posted this postcard, I’ve been looking for a copy online for quite some time. The “Aryan” looking child in the photo is actually the Jewish grandson of Rabbi Wedell of Dusseldorf. There is a wonderfully delicious irony in the Hitler posing with what he believes is a (literally) poster-child for the superior Nordic race - while in reality he is posing with a child representative of a race that he denies having the right to exist. Hundreds of thousands of copies of this postcard were sold.

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