postcards and photos from the early-mid 1900s

Reichsautobahn. Munchen-Salzburg

This is the road they were finishing last year between Munchen and Salzburg. There are trees and shrubs planted on the grass in the middle but they don’t seem to have come up yet. Thank-you for the papers, you are keeping me well supplied with bulletins. Tonight we’re going to a Bavarian evening where they will be folk singing and dancing and you are invited to wear Bavarian clothes if you have them. Abby bought a frock for it this afternoon but we’re just going in ordinary summer clothes.

Reichsautobahn. Munchen-Salzburg



Reichsautobahn. Munchen-Salzburg

A. Lengauer, Munchen Nr 405.

July 7th, 1937 at 12:25 pm

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